Saturday, October 28, 2006

Grounded on the Big Island

I just returned from a week on the big island of Hawaii. I got the worst advice in the world before travelling: Contact Chris Langan. 3 weeks before my trip I started calling. I left messages and never got a call. I started emailing. No response. Finally I found a guy in Hilo that flies: John Ivey

I can't say how to fly the big island as I never have, however, John is the best contact I've found so far. That's for certain. Here's what he said:

I would be happy to direct you to the right people. I own and opperate Thermal Up Paragliding on the Hilo side of the island, about 1.5 hours drive from North Kohala where C. Langan lives and occasionally teaches as the Paraguide. I am relocating to Woodrat Mountain in the Rogue Valley, so you caught me at a bad time. We have closed for the season and shut down towing opperations. If you are interested in free flight, the only site is on the Kona side. Due to cattle relocation, three sites on DHHL land are closed for the rest of the year. You can contact the following club pilots for a site introduction to Kealakekua:

Charlis Crocker
Neil Morriss
Shawn Baker for tandems

On the east side, you can contact Yeti Deffebach for PPG lessons and guided PPG tours. He runs a school on this side and has rental powered gear.The visiting pilots that I heard feedback from have found learning powered PG easy and he takes visitors on a guided powered tour over a local 300 foot water fall by the ocean. Very beautiful.

I love the big island. It's my favorite. I'm posting this info for myself when I get a chance to return. However, we've already decided our next trip is to Maui. All I've got on Maui is Proflyght Paragliding, 808-874-5433. I've got a few months to plan this one. I'll let you know what I uncover.

There must be a better way to plan a paragliding trip.

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