My parent-in-laws are visiting from NYC and I asked if they'd like to have lunch at the gliderport. My real intention was to sign them up for a tandem flight and offer it as a surprise gift. They both declined but for a reason I didn't expect: they just ate lunch. So next time I'm taking them out before they eat.
Ma Belle-mère.
I usually like to fly when I'm not hungry so this caught me by surprise. I never think of things like motion sickness.
I got to the gliderport about a half hour before they did, got out my wing and started kiting. The conditions were perfect: wind due west at 10-12. I didn't think I'd have time for a flight but there weren't many people there so I thought I'd fly right at the edge of the window over the parking lot and look for their car.
I feel very much in control at Torrey. It almost doesn't feel like flying if that makes any sense. The place is very familiar and consistent. I'm not sure if this confidence is a good or bad thing. It would be bad if I were growing nonchalant. I don't paraglide because I'm an adrenaline junkie. I do it because I have a need to experience beauty. There's plenty of beauty at Torrey. But I do miss the thrill of a new site. I don't want to grow dissatisfied with Torrey just because I know it so well.
I got 1 more flight it as conditions were getting a bit weak. I was showing off a bit for the inlaws staying within sight of the restaurant and doing some basic maneuvers. I'm going to try to sneak in 1 more surprise visit before they leave next week just to see if it was really the food. ;)